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Video Case Studies

They generated $120,000 in revenue with an Everywhere Small Business campaign!
They gained 40 new patients and generated over $250,000 in revenue!
Their campaign generated 75 new students worth $33,750 in revenue!
She has doubled her company's revenue and expanded her team from 2 to 12!
25 people responded, he converted 4 of them, and he made $13,000 in revenue!
We doubled our practice size, tripled our new patient numbers, and opened a second location!
They had 25 people come into the store and buy products! This generated over $19,900 in revenue!
3-5 new weekly accounts and an expected $40,000 in income!
Since starting with PostcardMania, they have seen a 212% increase in patients!
…their minutes per day of teaching has skyrocketed to over 10,000!
In just one year of using Everywhere Small Business, we have seen a remarkable increase of 20% to 30% in our revenue here!
349% more new patients after starting a consistent postcard campaign!
Our dogs DID sell out — we had to actually hire additional trainers so we could increase our output.
Doubled their practice! Now sees about 75 new patients per month!
After our first mailing, one of the first accounts we sold was over $150,000
We found that postcards have been really fantastic for us, because we can target exactly who we want to send the message to.
$37,000 a month in gross revenue directly from the postcards.

Other Case Studies

Successful Professional Service Postcard Campaign
They made $50,000 in revenue, a 2,154% ROI!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
They registered 64 students and generated $13,965 in revenue!
Successful Landscaping Postcard Campaign
They generated $27,000 in revenue with postcards!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
She achieved a 351% ROI with postcards and digital ads!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
They gained 20 new patients and expect to make $100,000 in revenue!
Successful Landscaping Postcard Campaign
They combined postcards and digital ads, making $28,000 in revenue!
Successful Charity/Fundraising Postcard Campaign
They filled all 55 available spots for a new wellness program!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
They converted 2 responses and generated $38,000!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
They generated $15,000 in revenue from 6 new accounts!
Successful Health & Nutrition Postcard Campaign
They generated 15 responses and $110,000 in revenue!
Successful Jewelry Postcard Campaign
They generated $10,000 in revenue and an ROI of 958%!
Successful Financial Services Postcard Campaign
They generated 5 new clients and $19,000 in revenue!
Successful Construction Postcard Campaign
They received 149 responses, converted 2 of them, and they made $20,000!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
They made $6,000 immediately and expect $30,000 more!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
The gained 10 new students and made $70,000 in revenue!
Successful Cleaning Services Postcard Campaign
81 people responded, they converted 40 of them, and they generated $16,000 in revenue!
Successful Plumbing Postcard Campaign
They attained 4 new customers and $40,000 in revenue!
Successful Accounting/Taxes Postcard Campaign
The campaign generated 110 responses and $88,000 in revenue!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
They converted 67 of the responses and generated $335,000 in revenue!
Successful Recycling Postcard Campaign
They received 21 responses and made $8,000 in revenue!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
They generated 5 responses and $41,000 in revenue!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
They converted 2 of their 3 responses and expect to make $80,000 in revenue!
Successful Pool Service Postcard Campaign
25 people responded, and they made $10,000!
Successful Electric/Energy Postcard Campaign
325 people responded and they converted 65 of them!
Successful Electrical Postcard Campaign
This Everywhere Small Business campaign brought in 20 responses and made $45,000 total!
Successful Insurance Postcard Campaign
The postcards brought in 8 responses and made $30,000 in revenue!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
They gained 10 new customers, which have a lifetime value of $100,000!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
Their postcard campaign generated 10 new customers!
Successful Cleaning Services Postcard Campaign
This campaign generated $170,000 in revenue!
Successful Financial Services Postcard Campaign
34 people responded and they converted 6 of them!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
They received 7 responses and closed all of them, making $105,000 in profit!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
150 people responded and they converted all of them, totaling $22,500 in profit!
Successful Accounting/Taxes Postcard Campaign
She was able to convert 10 new clients, and each new client’s lifetime value is about $60,000!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
She sent out 18,000 cards, got about 6 responses, and 2 listings! One of them just sold for $500,000!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
They got 8 new customers, increasing their annual revenue to $6,720!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
They received about 100 responses and converted 90 of them to new patients!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
He received 43 responses and converted one response to a listing. The home was sold for $2.3 million!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
They generated 58 new patients from mailing 48,000 postcards!
Successful Political Postcard Campaign
Historic win in the election for Mint Hill Town Commissioner!
Successful Roofing Postcard Campaign
They have generated $106,822 with mailers and digital ads!
Successful Painting Postcard Campaign
For every 40-50 calls from the postcards, she lands about 15 jobs!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
He purchased 2 homes and expects to generate $10,000-20,000 per home!
Successful Cleaning Services Postcard Campaign
So much new business they need a new employee!
Successful Restaurant Postcard Campaign
Kept the business afloat during the pandemic closures!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
Enrollment is at max capacity for all but one or two grade levels!
Successful Mortgage Postcard Campaign
97% closing rate and an approximate $100,000 in revenue!
Successful Roofing Postcard Campaign
Averaging 15 jobs per month since the last mailing!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
They have mailed about 12,000 postcards so far, resulting in about $6,000 per new student, totaling roughly over $120,000!
Successful Fitness Postcard Campaign
They spent $4,312.42 with postage included, and so far, they have made $20,000. Their ROI is 363%!
Successful Hearing Aids Postcard Campaign
They spent $13,707.69 with postage included, and so far, they have made approximately $66,000. That’s a 381% ROI!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
They spent $7,581.20 with postage included, and so far, they have made roughly $30,000. That’s a 296% ROI!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
They spent $829.88 with postage included, and they project to make $20,000. That will be a 2,310% ROI!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
They spent $7,699.51 with postage included, and so far, they have made roughly $15,000. That’s an immediate 95% ROI!
Successful Dental Lab Postcard Campaign
20-30 new accounts making $15,000-30,000!
Successful HVAC Marketing Postcard Campaign
7 calls and closed 2 new jobs that brought in $11,200!
Successful Insurance Postcard Campaign
15-20 responses so far and converted 9 into new clients!
Successful Cleaning Services Postcard Campaign
booked 8 new jobs, which generated $10,000 in revenue!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
…after one week, they received 178 tracked calls and counting!
Successful Pest Control Postcard Campaign
…so far, they received 108 unique calls and 6,117 clicks to their website!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
…they received 15 unique calls and 1,613 clicks to their website!
Successful HVAC Marketing Postcard Campaign
…so far, Shotmeyer Bros tracked 173 unique calls! They also received over 3,000 clicks to their website and 2,900,000 online ad views!
Successful Animal Services Postcard Campaign
…they got 18-30+ new patients in one month, adding $3,000-$4,500 a month in revenue!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
…they received 43 unique calls from their marketing campaign!
Successful Waste Management Postcard Campaign
Only 2 months of mailing our postcards and we are overwhelmed by all of these phone calls!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
14 new customers and $15,000 in revenue!
Successful Physical Therapy Postcard Campaign
…the practice has gained six new patients and even reactivated some old patients as well!
Successful Manufacturing Postcard Campaign
Machine Tech Enterprises…gained a total of 1,347,216 Ad Displays on Google!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
Green Mountain closed 4 deals as a result of this campaign which led to about $80,000 in revenue. That’s an ROI of 400%!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
KCHS has received 84 phone inquiries since the first mail drop and traffic to their website has increased exponentially!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
Hive spent $17,000 on this campaign which generated $356,000 in revenue for their company. That’s an ROI of 2,147%!
Successful Animal Services Postcard Campaign
Abbey Animal Hospital received 86 phone calls!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
KAFA has received more than 24 responses thus far and is currently closing 2 sales that will generate $10,000!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
25 responses, 5 new students and $28,500 in revenue!
Successful Other Postcard Campaign
128,823 impressions and 794 clicks to their website!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
24 unique phone calls and 152 clicks to their website!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
77 unique phone calls and over 250 clicks to their website!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
54 unique phone calls and over 1,800 clicks through to their website
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
28 unique phone calls and over 1,700 clicks through to their website!
Successful Real Estate Investment Postcard Campaign
21 unique phone calls and over 500 clicks from interested leads to their website!
Successful Financial Services Postcard Campaign
After mailing only 1,000 cards - 12 unique phone calls and over 2,000 website clicks!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
111 phone calls and over 400 clicks through to their website!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
A projected income of $19K+ over the next two years – a 233% return on investment!
Successful Political Postcard Campaign
He won his election by just 17 votes and attributes it to the online ads!
Successful HVAC Marketing Postcard Campaign
14 new customers- $4,000 in immediate revenue!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
We projected picking up 62 new properties by this time and we have actually picked up 83!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
219 potential buyers inquired after 6000 postcards were mailed!
Successful Roofing Postcard Campaign
4-5 times in revenue what they spent on the campaign!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
84 calls to their office from interested prospective patients!
Successful Real Estate Postcard Campaign
They received 16 phone calls and had 150 people visit their website.
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
Enrolled 7 new students right away, with a tuition of $5000 per year!
Successful Cleaning Services Postcard Campaign
DomesticAide received 21 calls and 12 new clients!
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
We experienced a stronger economy and I feel continuing effects of our ongoing campaign that helped produce a better response.
Successful Landscaping Postcard Campaign
Dreamscapes brought in $7,000 in immediate revenue
Successful Transportation Postcard Campaign
The Cycle Shop received 145 unique phone calls!
Successful Formalwear Postcard Campaign
They received 77 unique phone calls with the average cost of a rental at $141 each
Successful Home Services Postcard Campaign
With DirectMail2.0, GutterBrush received 80 new leads!
Successful Business Services Postcard Campaign
The law office received 75 calls and 1,000 website visitors
Successful Transportation Postcard Campaign
Truck ECM received 38 phone calls and 233,485 online ad impressions which resulted in 241 click-backs to their website
Successful Pool Service Postcard Campaign
$353,607 in sales came directly from PostcardMania
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
DirectMail2.0 makes measuring success soooo much easier!
Successful Rental/Leasing Postcard Campaign
The Rental Assistants received 24 calls from their mailings, while their online follow-up ads made a total of 286,447 impressions
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
We generated $16,000 from our postcard marketing!
Successful Photography Postcard Campaign
We brought in $4,000 in revenue from our postcard mailings!
Successful Dental Services Postcard Campaign
136 calls and 160 website visitors generated from the postcards!
Successful Education Postcard Campaign
Added 820 prospects to our online follow-up list!
Successful Financial Services Postcard Campaign
The follow-up ads convinced 250 website visitors to return to our site!
Successful Other Postcard Campaign
Added 1,900 prospects to their online follow-up list!
Successful Accounting/Taxes Postcard Campaign
5-10 new clients acquired, which paid for the marketing and then some!
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