The postcard design had a very appealing and professional look. It used muted colors very well to get the attention of their prospects. The headline immediately touched on a pain point for many parents: the idea that their children might not be getting the best education possible. Additionally, the orange corner tab really stuck out and alerted the reader to a specific way to respond with a specific date. And of course, the postcard included contact information, including the website, which allowed interested parties to respond.

The Situation

Annapolis Christian Academy, located in Corpus Christi, Texas, is a private school that provides “classical Christian education” for students who live in the surrounding region. They wanted to find a way to raise awareness of the school in the area, increase the amount of new enrollments for the upcoming school year, and also establish an online advertising presence for the school. Their PostcardMania marketing consultant had a discussion with them to fully understand the dynamics of their situation, and then suggested a DirectMail2.0 campaign to achieve their goals.

The Solution

A DirectMail2.0 campaign consists of many distinct marketing strategies integrating together to result in a complete and complimenting marketing program. The main drivers of the campaign are the direct mail postcards and the FollowThatProspect automatic online follow-up. For the lead generation portion of the campaign, our designers put together a beautiful and attention-grabbing postcard design. As part of the DirectMail2.0 campaign, prospects that visit the Annapolis Christian Academy website are automatically tracked and followed up with via banner ads after they leave the site. This is the FollowThatProspect portion of the campaign. The ads we created match the design style of the postcard. This helps immediately orient the prospect when they see it, so they can focus on the content of the message and not have to figure out whose ad it is or why they are being shown it.

The Results

Added 820 prospects to our online follow-up list!

So far the online follow-up response to the campaign has been incredible. In only 13 days, Annapolis has seen 46 online follow-up ad clicks. To put that in perspective, that means that 46 people a) went to the Annapolis Christian Academy website (most likely due to the postcard), and b) returned to the site via the FollowThatProspect follow-up ads. It is unlikely these prospects would have returned to the site without the banner ads to remind them. Additionally, the campaign produced 20,444 online ad impressions (times a banner ad was viewed) and added 820 people to the school’s FollowThatProspect online follow-up list.

CSID: 3728