Could your business benefit from reaching every home in your neighborhood?

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) could be for you! EDDM is a service from the USPS that lets you blanket an entire mail carrier route with your postcards for a discounted postage rate.

What kinds of businesses should use EDDM Mailers?

While many businesses get the best results from a targeted mailing list, others do well with a saturation mailing that hits every residence in their area. Some of the industries that can benefit from EDDM are:

  • Restaurants
  • Dry cleaners
  • Moving/storage
  • Retail stores
  • Churches
  • Salons and spas
  • Dentists
  • Gyms
  • Auto repair

What qualifies a mailing for EDDM services?

To take advantage of the special postage discount, your EDDM postcards campaign must meet specific criteria:

  • EDDM sizes — your postcard be taller than 6.125” or longer than 11.5” and smaller than 12”x15”.
  • You must mail only to zip codes in USPS door to door routes (we can tell you if they are)
  • Your mailing must be at least 200 pieces AND at least one complete carrier route (So a mailing of 200 that only covers 70% of one route would not qualify, nor would a mailing of 58 that covers an entire route)
  • You may only mail 5,000 EDDM postcards per day

If you and your marketing consultant decide that EDDM is right for your business, we will make sure all of these criteria are met!

Why Wouldn’t A Business Use EDDM?

To put it simply: Even if you’re saving money on EDDM USPS postage, if you’re not targeting the right people, you’re wasting money. EDDM works well for services that everyone needs (dental, auto repair, food, etc.), but less well – in terms of response rate – for niche products and services (child care, trombone repair, high-end real estate, etc.), simply because not everyone in your area wants or needs what you offer. Additionally, since mail tracking is not available you will not be able to see where or when your mail hit.


The cost of EDDM Retail is $0.20 per piece. After all is said and done, the postage savings can reach up to 7 cents over standard letter mail, or 3.5 cents over 4×6 postcard first class postage rate. That adds up fast when you’re sending thousands of postcards.

We are dedicated to winning your business, we will do our best to beat any comparable quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my current postcard design for EDDM?

In most cases, yes! EDDM has its own set of requirements that a postcard must meet, but it usually isn’t a problem. And we can always edit a postcard design to make sure it meets the standards. No biggie.

Can I ask that certain addresses NOT receive my postcard?

Nope. But that’s the USPS’s rule, not ours. If you want a custom-tailored, targeted mailing list, we can get you one.

Can’t I do EDDM myself?

Yes, the USPS set up EDDM so that once you get your mail pieces created you can setup your mailing and deliver it to the post office yourself. There are several requirements in terms of sorting the pieces and filling out paperwork. We can do these for you if you mail through us, or we can direct you on how to do them yourself if you’d prefer that option.

What is the difference between Every Door Direct Mail Retail and EDDM BMEU?

EDDM Retail does not require a mailing permit, but is limited to standard flats (postcards) and allows a maximum of 5,000 pieces per day. EDDM BMEU (Business Mail Entry Unit) requires a bulk-mailing permit, but allows for a little more flexibility in terms of what can be mailed.

What is the estimated EDDM delivery time?

The USPS estimates the delivery time for standard direct mail to be 3-10 days, but they do not guarantee this window. They consider anything after 14 days to be late.

Where can I get the EDDM forms?

See the Every Door Direct Mail User Guide for all form information.

Is there a non-profit discount for EDDM?

Yes there is! Please contact us and we can provide you with an exact quote on what the discount would be.

How can I access the EDDM Business Gateway?

Still have questions?

Fill out this form and we'll get in touch with you with answers to all your questions! Of course, you can call or text us at 1-800-628-1804 as well!

Call or Text a Marketing Consultant 1-800-628-1804