
Any data received from PostcardMania customers, whether over the phone (verbal, text, audio, or image), via electronic or physical/paper transmission, remains completely private and is not authorized to be shared, including copied in any format, with other customers, outside vendors, company partners, third parties, or any other external persons, organizations, associates, or subsidiaries, unless explicit consent has been provided knowingly by the customer. Customer data is also not to be shared internally with PostcardMania staff unless such secure transmission of data is vital to the production and/or delivery of ordered or purchased products requested from the customer. PostcardMania staff and its systems, by virtue of the nature of its business, does not accept nor store private medical information which is protected under HIPAA and other medical privacy laws.

PostcardMania holds the copyright to all marketing designs, which includes any marketing material whether physical or electronic that currently is offered or will be offered in the future, that its current or past staff created in whole or in part; the only exception being thus: 1) when a customer provided their own design in whole, 2) copyrighted logos, trademarks, or other such copyrighted design or business elements registered. Whole designs provided by the customer (i.e. “provided art”) is classified as confidential information and is not authorized to be shared, copied, or transmitted in any fashion to anybody, whether internal or external, unless explicit written permission is provided by the customer, or for that which internal PostcardMania production and delivery modalities necessitate the internal and secure transmission of the data.

PostcardMania reserves the right to distribute mailing lists that it personally purchases from mailing list vendors, unless written information otherwise indicates. However, mailing lists provided by customers to PostcardMania remain confidential information, and thus are not authorized to be shared, copied, or transmitted in any fashion to anybody, whether internal or external, unless explicit written permission is provided by the customer, or for that which internal PostcardMania production and delivery modalities necessitate the internal and secure transmission of the data.

The above confidentialities apply to all PostcardMania products which are produced for customers; everything remains confidential and private unless written consent is provided by the customer, or except for vital transmission of data requisite to actually produce or deliver the product for the customer.

These written conditions constitute a written agreement with all PostcardMania customers as a statement of intent and good measure to protect their data.

Request to be removed from our mailing list:

  • For individuals or single addresses – please fill out the form below or contact us at 866-386-8404.
  • For multiple addresses – please send a csv file to
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