The Situation

Sylvan Learning of East Brunswick, located in East Brunswick, NJ, offers educational services to their local community. They needed more families to sign up for their tutoring programs, so they came to PostcardMania for marketing assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard that included the following features:

  • Offer for a comprehensive assessment in reading, writing, and math for a reduced price
  • A list of benefits on the back of the card
  • A call to action in a bright, bold color
  • A cheerful photo of a child on the front of the card to attract attention

Sylvan Learning of East Brunswick signed up for an Everywhere Small Business campaign that combined postcards with digital ads. They mailed a total of 12,000 postcards to their own list of contacts. Then the digital ads appeared in the feeds of their prospects after the mailings, which were broken up in half and sent out over 2 months in May and July.

The Google ads made 52,241 impressions, and the Facebook/Instagram ads made 8,668 impressions.

The Results

They generated $15,000 in revenue from 6 new accounts!

As a result of the digital ads, 400 people clicked on the Google ads and 75 people clicked on the Facebook/Instagram ads. Overall, they received 15 responses and converted 6 people. These new clients brought in $15,000 in revenue! Their initial investment was $7,020, so the return on investment amounts to 114%.

Since then, Sylvan Learning of East Brunswick gas ordered another 12,000 postcards and they are looking forward to achieving even greater results in the future.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other educational institutions.

CSID: 48922