The Situation

United Capital based in Indianapolis, Indiana wanted to increase the number of attendees at their Social Security Benefits seminar series. They called PostcardMania to mail postcards and run coordinated Google and Facebook using PostcardMania’s Everywhere Small Business product.

The Solution

With the help of our marketing experts we designed a financial postcard campaign – plus matching online Google and Facebook ads, that showed all future prospects exactly how United Capital could help them.

Here’s why their postcard generated a huge result:

  • A picture of the financial adviser himself that creates familiarity
  • Multiple questions that generate genuine interest to the recipient
  • Contact information that stands out

In addition, United Capital purchased a mailing list from PostcardMania to increase the success of their financial seminar postcard campaign and online advertising. They mailed their postcard to a list of all residents in surrounding neighborhoods with ages of 58-66 years old.

The Results

150 attendees to 4 seminars!

This financial adviser received 150 people to 4 seminars from their online advertising and direct mail campaign! This result hinged on mailing their postcard to the correct mailing list and their online Google and Facebook ads. Having a photo of the financial advisory on the card also gave them an extra edge!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other financial advisers!

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