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The Situation

Smile Center Plymouth is a successful family dental office in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Their office wanted to increase new patients and revenue, so they contacted PostcardMania’s marketing experts for further assistance.

The Solution

Smilecenter displayed matching ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram along with a postcard campaign that targets a provided list of potential clients.

Design: The card includes:

  • Clean copy and design, making the card easy to read.
  • An image of two patients with big smiles to promote their dental services.
  • Offers for new patients, giving the recipient more incentive to respond to the postcard.
  • A testimonial/review from a patient to increase recipient trust in the dental practice.

The mailing list included households with incomes of $85,000 or more. They also selected single-family residences in areas close to the dental office and neighborhoods located off of the main road to their practice.

The Results

…they received 43 unique calls from their marketing campaign!

After mailing 35,000 postcards, Smilecenter received 173 unique calls from their marketing campaign! They also received over 3,500 clicks to their website from matching Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental offices!

CSID: 31576