Retail Case Study Video

The Situation

The Appliance Center is a retail home goods store in Forest City, NC. They needed to increase their sales, so they came to PostcardMania for marketing help.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6” x 11” postcard that included the following features:

  • Offers for $100 off a refrigerator and 10% off all other appliances
  • A QR code that leads the recipient to the website quickly and easily
  • A five-star review from a happy customer

We mailed 10,000 postcards to residents in the surrounding areas near The Appliance Center’s store locations between September and October of 2021. The Resident/Occupant list they purchased allowed the postcards to arrive at every door in a specific region, and it saved The Appliance Center money on postage.

The Results

They had 25 people come into the store and buy products! This generated over $19,900 in revenue!

As a result of their direct mail marketing campaign, they had 25 people come into the store and buy products. This generated the company over $19,900 in revenue!

The Appliance Center spent $4,970 on this campaign, therefore, they received an ROI of 300%.

After this mailing, they continued to send out postcards in batches of 10,000 about every month. They also added Everywhere Small Business follow-up Facebook and Google ads to enhance their results and drive more traffic to their website.

They are excited to see how many more customers they will receive in the future from all these efforts.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other retail stores.

CSID: 43861