The Situation
Ultimate Pools wanted to get the word out in their local community about their pool remodeling service before summer hit, so they came to PostcardMania for help.
The Solution
With the help of our marketing experts, they decided on a direct mail marketing campaign bundled with Google, Instagram and Facebook advertising in our Everywhere Small Business package. You can see those advertisements above. As you’ll notice, these ads are all coordinated — that’s to ensure your ads are maximizing the impact they have prospects and actually overcome the ad blindness that so many consumers have built up. (We see millions of ads every day and our subconscious is getting really good at blocking them!)
Ultimate Pools’ postcard design included:
- A headline that immediately communicates what they’re trying to sell
- A 5-star review from a client that gives their business credibility
- A discount — a generous 10% off — to remodel your pool
The biggest reason this campaign found success was their targeted mailing list. They specifically targeted occupied single-family homes with a household income of $125,000+ AND the presence of a pool. Mailing lists can be super targeted, and our experts will work with you closely to ensure that you’re reaching your precise targeted market down
The Results
Over 15 jobs and $100,000 in revenue!
After mailing their postcards, Ultimate Pools received 15 new jobs which generated $100,000 income. They spent $7,193.90 on their campaign, resulting in a 1,290% return on their investment (ROI)!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other pool service businesses!