The Situation
Chris Rollo opened his own landscaping business, Kingston Hill Landscaping, in May 2020. His father had done landscaping for 35-40 years, and he grew up in the industry.
Some of the goals he had starting out were to be financially independent and be more creative with his landscaping projects. In his first year, Chris said business was very slow, but it picked up in 2021.
At first, he tried door hangers and Google ads for his marketing, but the door hangers did not work very well.
He asked both his father and Brian’s Lawn Maintenance for advice. They both said direct mail would be a great way to bring in leads, so Christopher decided to try mailing postcards with PostcardMania.
Since he had received some good results from the Google ads he ran himself in the past, Chris decided to include digital advertising in his marketing plan with PostcardMania as well.
The Solution
PostcardMania customized a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard from one of their landscaping templates:
- An offer for a free consultation and estimate
- A QR code that led recipients back to the company website
- A list of services on the front of the card
- Beautiful photos of their landscaping on the back of the card to show off their work
Chris mailed 4,233 postcards to a consumer mailing list that targeted homeowners in the local area making $60,000 a year or more. The cards were mailed out in two batches.
He also signed up for an Everywhere Small Business plan that included digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram since he felt they worked well for him previously. The ads matched his postcard so that prospects would recognize Kingston Hill Landscaping’s brand and get interested in seeking out more information about their services.
The Results
He generated 15 new customers and $30,000 in revenue!
As a result, the Google ads made 21,218 impressions and generated 127 clicks, and the Facebook/Instagram ads made 12,698 impressions and 218 clicks.
Following the direct mail campaign, Chris received 20 responses and converted 15 of them to new customers. The jobs he brought in from the mailers amounted to $30,000 in total revenue. His investment was $3,686, so this particular campaign had an ROI of 714%!
Chris has continued mailing out postcards with PostcardMania and would recommend direct mail to any landscaper needing to increase their annual revenue.
He feels that his marketing campaign was successful because he mailed to the same contacts multiple times and was consistent in his marketing. Chris also appreciated that PostcardMania was very good at managing every detail of his marketing plan from the design down to the digital ads.
“What I enjoyed most about my experience with PostcardMania was the ability to touch on every aspect of the campaign. I was able to change any little detail I wanted to. Every time we had an edit with the postcard, they sent me a new proof just to confirm with me it was what I wanted. That was really nice to have, especially it being my first time doing postcard marketing. I was able to dail it in exactly how I wanted it.”
Chris added, “If you’re a landscaper like me, I would tell another business owner thinking about using direct mail to try it in an area that you really want to get business in. Try a neighborhood or two first, see what response you get, and then go from there. Wherever you get a lot of responses, keep that neighborhood on your list and then move on to larger and larger areas because it will help you grow steadily over time.”
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for landscaping companies.