The Situation

Life Christian Academy is a pre-K through grade 12 religious school located in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Life Christian Academy started a postcard campaign with PostcardMania looking for a unique and creative way to let potential students and families in their area know about their school programs, enrollment deals, and educational services.

The Solution

Life Christian Academy decided to go with a direct mail marketing campaign.

Life Christian’s postcard design included:

  • Waiving of new student fees with the postcard.
  • Guarantee of a bully-free, Christian school environment.
  • Public school IEP students can get their tuition paid through the Lindsey-Nicole Henry scholarship.

Life Christian used a mailing list of single-family dwelling units within a 10-mile radius of the school, specifically families with children aged 6 to 16, to target only the most qualified prospects for their unique services.

The Results

They have mailed about 12,000 postcards so far, resulting in about $6,000 per new student, totaling roughly over $120,000!

After an extremely successful campaign, Life Christian Academy got the largest enrollment of new students in several years with 20 new students! Each new student brought in $6,000, totaling over $120,000. That is an ROI of 2,063%!

Life Christian Academy felt that the highlight of their campaign with PostcardMania was the combination of mailing with online marketing. With PostcardMania, Life Christian attained 1,150 total Google clicks, 326,510 total Google ad displays, 578 total Facebook clicks, and 22,175 total Facebook ad displays!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other educational organizations and institutions!

CSID: 35390