The Situation

Rose Wang Dentistry is a general dentist located in Lexington, Massachusetts. They were looking for a creative way to let locals know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

With the help of our marketing consultants, Rose Wang Dentistry decided on doing an Everywhere Dental marketing campaign. Everywhere Dental brings together several powerful marketing channels to form a marketing campaign that is far greater than the sum of its parts. With Everywhere Dental, your prospective patients receive a postcard about your practice, while concurrently seeing your ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram—automatically!

The kicker for dental practices is Everywhere Dental’s front desk monitoring system that analyzes how your team handles new incoming calls. That way, you can rest easy knowing your team is doing their best to turn every call into a new appointment — or make improvements if needed.

The campaign for Rose Wang Dentistry sent out 9,000 cards with great success! Their postcard design included a number of successful elements like:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s message
  • Several money-saving offers including: an implant special, zoom whitening special, adult new patient special, and a child new patient schedule
  • Professionally designed graphics, making the card easily readable and attractive to the eye
  • A clear and easy way contact the office

For their mailing list, our marketing consultants helped them decide on an Every Door Direct Mail mailing list that targeted local residents in their area. EDDM is a service from the USPS that lets you blanket an entire area with your postcards for a discounted postage rate. They targeted all residents within a radius surrounding their practice!

The Results

Between 125-140 new patients!

According to Rose Wang Dentistry, they gained between 125-140 new patients.  Along with their new patient success, the average lifetime value of a patient is about 2 years with each spending a minimum of $250! In revenue, that would translate to between $62,500 and $70,000.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental practices!

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