The Situation

Joan Weiss was a Central School board candidate located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. She was looking for a creative way to let community members know about her candidacy so she contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

She went with PostcardMania’s Everywhere Small Business product to target locals, which combined direct mail postcards with matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram. The postcard featured her professional headshot, a common item included in other political campaign postcards.

Joan Weiss’s postcard design included:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s message
  • A bulleted list of her qualifications for the positon
  • A personal message from her alongside a picture of her children to communicate her family values

Because Joan Weiss needed her message to reach voters, she needed to target community members. So, used a provided mailing list combined with the precision of digital marketing to get her campaign message in front of those who could put her in the school board seat.

The Results

She won 62% of the vote!

She won the school board election with 62% of the vote!! She loved the PostcardMania experience and plans to refer others to others in need of marketing!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your political race? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating marketing campaigns for other political campaigns!

CSID: 34836