The Situation

Hudson Greene Market is an organic, health-focused grocer located in the heart of Jersey City, New Jersey. With a desire to increase their clientele and boost revenue, they reached out to PostcardMania’s marketing services to help them achieve their goals.

The Solution

Hudson Greene Market used PostcardMania’s Everywhere Small Business product to target nearby residents, which combined direct mail postcards with matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

The successful card design includes:

  • Bright and vividly colored pictures of natural organic foods, giving this card a “happy-healthy” feel
  • Limited marketing copy that makes this card’s message extremely easy to understand
  • 2 coupons that entice the recipient to come in and check out the grocer

The Results

50 responses and $12,000 in income!

They received over 50 responses! All brought in the card to utilize the offer given, generating over $12,000 in income!! This is an immediate ROI of 184%!!!

Now that these shoppers have experienced the Hudson Greene Market difference, they will continue to come back for further trips which will make the ROI climb even more!!!

Are you interested in doing a similar bulk mail campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other grocers!

CSID: 34788