The Situation

James Peterson is an accredited land consultant with Re/Max Roundup, located in Floresville, TX. He not only has advanced training in land sales and acquisition, but he also is dedicated to helping clients navigate the challenges of buying and selling land properties.

James needed to increase his listings and sell more land properties, so he came to PostcardMania for marketing assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania created a 6 x 11 postcard that included the following features:

  • Photo of James and a quote by him about his specialty, which helps increase trust with the prospect
  • A call to action
  • Photos of properties James has either sold or listed for clients to encourage them to call
  • Benefits on the card, such as James being the only accredited land consultant in the area

James ordered 10,000 postcards and used a provided mailing list of land owners who had 80 acres or more. He started a monthly mailing schedule of about 1,000 postcards and also added digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram as part of an Everywhere Small Business campaign. So far, he has mailed out 2,865 postcards.

The larger size postcard also helped grab the recipients’ attention.

The Results

He made one listing and generated $66,000!

The digital ads showed up on Google 169,420 times and on Facebook/Instagram 11,269 times. The Google ads resulted in 1,038 clicks and the Facebook/Instagram ads resulted in 341 clicks.

James heard back from 3 people, and he converted 1 of them to a new client, resulting in $66,000 in revenue! Furthermore, James only spent $3,580 on his Everywhere Small Business campaign, so his ROI is 1,743% so far.

This is just a portion of his entire marketing campaign. James had ordered a total of 10,000 postcards, so he is one-third of the way and is still mailing out thousands of cards to prospects. James is looking forward to hearing back from even more people and generating more revenue in the future.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other real estate agents.

CSID: 45083