The Situation

Solcius is a solar energy company located in Mesa, AZ. They needed to sell more solar installations, so they reached out to PostcardMania for help with their marketing.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard that included the following features:

  • An eye-grabbing photo of a beautiful home on the front of the card
  • Benefits including zero cost and receiving a 30% federal tax credit
  • A five-star review on the back of the card to encourage trust with the prospect
  • A QR code that leads the recipient back to their website for more information

PostcardMania sent Solcius 1,000 of these cards to distribute to locals in the community. They also ran Google ads through the Everywhere Small Business program.

The Results

They generated $50,000 in revenue!

As a result, they received 5 responses and converted 1 of them. The follow-up Google ads performed very well and made 20,157 impressions and resulted in 228 clicks.

This new client is expected to generate $50,000 in revenue for them, which is a future return on investment of 7,670%!

CSID: 53923