The Situation

Jaimes Uribe Landscaping, a landscaping company based in Tampa, FL, was looking to expand its client base and boost revenue. They turned to PostcardMania for a targeted direct mail marketing campaign to attract more customers in their local area.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed an eye-catching 4.25 x 6 postcard featuring:

  • Stunning imagery of some of the landscaping work they do
  • A very clear breakdown of the services they provide
  • A compelling call out to “let our team go to work for you!”
  • A phone number and clear QR code for easy access to drive action

Jaimes Uribe Landscaping mailed 3,000 postcards to contacts in the Tampa area. They also added an Everywhere Small Business parallel digital advertising campaign (think Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and Gmail ads) to complement their direct mail campaign.

The Results

They generated $30,000 in revenue!

The campaign yielded impressive results:

  • They received 2 responses per month.
  • With a lifetime value of each customer at $1,200 annually, they generated $30,000 in revenue.
  • With an investment of $4131 in this campaign, their ROI was a remarkable 626%!!

Jaimes Uribe Landscaping also saw digital engagement with:

  • 1,243 total clicks on their Google ads.
  • 113,235 total ad displays.

The success of this campaign has encouraged Jaimes Uribe Landscaping to continue using direct mail marketing to sustain and grow their business. Get in touch with a marketing consultant to start your campaign today!

CSID: 55625