The Situation

Smile Solutions offers general and cosmetic dentistry to residents in Fargo, ND. They needed to increase their new patient numbers, so they contacted PostcardMania for marketing help.

The Solution

Smile Solution’s postcard included the following features:

  • A clear call to action in a bold bright color on the front of the card
  • A list of features and benefits for the patient
  • A professional design that appeals to the recipient’s eye and lets them know exactly what the ad is about

They targeted residents with median household incomes of $50k or more who live in a 1.49-mile radius of their office. The postcards were mailed in batches of about 5,000 once a month between December 2021 and March 2022. Then in April of 2022, they sent out a large mailing of 15,000 cards to increase promotion of their Smile Solution Membership Program.

The Results

They gained 10 new customers, which have a lifetime value of $100,000!

They received 20 responses and converted 10 of them to new patients! Each new patient has a lifetime value of $10,000, so these 10 patients will make about $100,000 in revenue total.

Since they invested $13,049.70 in the mailings, their ROI amounts to an impressive 666%.

Smile Solutions has continued their mailings and they are looking forward to achieving even greater results in the future.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dentists.

CSID: 44622