Music Case Study Video

The Situation

Voice Lessons is a vocal lessons company located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. With a desire to increase their clientele and boost revenue, they reached out to PostcardMania’s marketing services to help them achieve their goals.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign that targets a list of voice teachers from the National Association Teachers of Singing. The card includes:

  • Professionally designed graphics and formatting, making the card attractive to the eye and accessible to the reader.
  • A testimony from the president of the National Association Teachers of Singing, giving credibility to the services that the company offers.
  • An offer of 20% off on an annual membership, providing the recipient with more incentive to respond to the card.

Mailing List: Voice Teachers from the National Association Teachers of Singing

The Results

…their minutes per day of teaching has skyrocketed to over 10,000!
Digital Ad Network Ad Displays Clicks
Google 970,635 5,229
Facebook/Instagram 105,796 875

Before their campaign, Voice Lessons had 1,600 accounts, their minutes per day of teaching sat at just under 1,000, and income was at $1000. Now, they have grown to 2,500 accounts, the number of teachers they have has increased six-fold, and their minutes per day of teaching has skyrocketed to over 10,000! Additionally, they’re now passing $20,000 in income!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other vocal lesson companies!
Plan YOUR Everywhere Small Business Campaign today by calling 1-800-628-1804.

CSID: 31636