The Situation

Based in Fort Worth, TX, Fort Worth Dental wanted to increase the number of new patients. In order to make this happen they knew they were going to have to increase their exposure in their community, so they called PostcardMania for help.

The Solution

With the help of PostcardMania, Fort Worth Dental put together a result-driven direct mail marketing campaign that enticed every prospect to call today!

Here’s why their postcard generated success:

  • Not 1, 2, or 3, BUT 4 amazing offers!
  • Repeatedly mailing this postcard design to each recipient to create consistency and familiarity for 12 months
  • A customer testimonial that adds value for the prospective patient

In addition, Fort Worth Dental purchased a mailing list from PostcardMania to increase the success of their dental direct mail marketing campaign. They mailed their postcard to a list of 12,000 residents with zip codes surrounding their practice with an income of 60K+.

The Results

144 new patients in just one month!

Fort Worth Dental hit a new all-time high and received 144 new patients in just one month! The key to their success was repetition. By mailing their direct mail postcard consistently for an entire year their prospects decided to call and make an appointment and with the 4 amazing offers who could resist?!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental practices!

CSID: 28583