The Situation

Knight Homes is a real estate developer based in Georgia that builds affordable communities in the Atlanta area. They called PostcardMania for help spreading the word about two of their developments to potential buyers.

The Solution

After talking with our experts, Knight Homes decided on an integrated marketing campaign that combined direct mail postcards with Google follow-up ads for maximum response.

Heres why the postcard was effective

  • The bright yellow and red color scheme stands out from the days stack of mail and gets the recipients attention
  • The bold headline, which includes the words STOP and NOW in red block letters, is a benefit
  • Photos of homes in the communities they are promoting tell prospects exactly what is being advertised

The developers sent their laser-targeted message to 6,000 residents living in multi-family dwelling units (apartments) one time using a resident/occupant list. With a res/occ list, they were able to reach every residence along specific postal routes, saturating the area and saving money on postage!

We recommend multiple mailings for the best results, but with DirectMail2.0, Knight Homes was able to increase their exposure with their Google follow-up ads.

When interested prospects received the postcard and went to the Knight Homes website, but left without taking the desired action (filling out a form or becoming a customer), they saw the developers follow-up ads all over the internet, encouraging them to go back to the website and explore further.

The Results

219 potential buyers inquired after 6000 postcards were mailed!

With DirectMail2.0s tracking capabilities, Knight Homes could see the exact results of their campaign:

  • 32 calls to their call-tracking number
  • 1,700 unique visitors to their website
  • 45,147 impressions (how many times their follow-up ad was shown)
  • 187 clicks back to their website

Thats 32 callers and 187 website visitors — 219 interested prospects that could become buyers!

CSID: 3863