The Situation

Lakeshore Dental Associates knew they needed to differentiate their dental marketing and stand out from their competition, so they sought out PostcardMania for help!

The Solution

Lakeshore Dental took our marketing expert’s advice and began using PostcardMania’s Everywhere Small Business! This targeted their prospects with postcards and matching ads on Facebook, Instagram and Google.

Here’s why their ads and postcards were so effective:

  • A review 5-star review creates instant trust and credibility
  • Clear Contact Information
  • 3 offers that entices the recipient to call

They selected a list of residents in their area with an Income of over $50,000+ to ensure that their postcards were reaching their ideal prospects. This in combination with their matching Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads was a huge part of their success!

The Results

77 unique phone calls and over 250 clicks to their website!

They received 77 unique phone calls campaign and over 250 clicks to their website!

Their Google ads received 222 Clicks and 616,847 Impressions. Their Facebook and Instagram ads received 72 Clicks and 7,225 Impressions.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental offices!

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