The Situation

Ste Jeanne d’Arc School is a private Catholic school in Lowell, Massachusetts that provides a faith-centric education to children grades Pre-K thru 8. They solicited PostcardMania’s advertising services in an attempt to bolster enrollment numbers via invitations to their Open House event.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting families in their area that meet target demographic goals featuring:

  • Professionally developed graphics including school logos and student images
  • Date and time of Open House clearly displayed in illuminated font
  • Easy to follow contact information accompanied by a call to action

Mailing List: Households with children ages 0-7 and an annual income of $50,000 or higher

Mailing Schedule: 6,000 6” x 8.5” postcard invitations mailed simultaneously

The Results

25 responses, 5 new students and $28,500 in revenue!

The school’s experience with PostcardMania has been “fabulous” and SJDarc has already received “a lot more inquiries and calls than last year!” So far there have been 25 responses to the postcard campaign which have resulted in 5 new student enrollments. With each student’s tuition producing $5,700 of revenue, Ste Jeanne d’Arc is already looking at $28,500 generated for the upcoming fall semester.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other schools!

CSID: 30104