The Situation

Crest Exteriors is a roofing company in Plano, TX. After a severe storm blew through their area, they called PostcardMania for help getting their name out to residents who would be looking for someone to repair hail damage to their homes.

The Solution

With the help of our roofing marketing experts, the roofing company decided on a fully integrated campaign that included direct mail postcards and Google follow-up roofing online ads to get the most possible exposure for their business.

Heres why the postcard design was effective:

  • The bold, black, white and red design stands out in the mail
  • The image of a home with a dark, stormy sky, paired with the headling You have hail damage! tells the recipient immediately what is being offered
  • A super valuable offer ($1,000 off full roof replacement) is too good to pass up!

Crest Exteriors then did two mailings of 10,000 postcard roofing flyers to homeowners (with homes valued at $200k or more) who had been affected by the recent storm. Since many of them were likely to have sustained damage, the card was sure to get their attention!

The roofing company also purchased DirectMail2.0, so interested prospects who received their postcard in the mail and visited their website would see their Google follow-up ads all across the internet!

The Results

30 new roofing jobs!

Crest Exteriors had planned to mail over 40,000 roofing cards, but after mailing the first 20,000, they were so busy, they put their roof marketing campaign on hold! Even a month after their mailing, they continued to receive calls from their postcards 43 unique calls total, of which they converted 30 into roofing jobs!

With their DirectMail2.0 dashboard, they could also see that their follow-up ads were shown 146,726 times and 78 people clicked back to get to their website!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other roofing companies!

CSID: 3898