Medical Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Platte River Foot & Ankle is a Podiatrist’s office located in Hastings, Nebraska. They were looking for a creative way to let high risk people know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

They decided on a direct mail marketing campaign bundled with Google, Instagram and Facebook advertising in our Everywhere Small Business package. You can see those advertisements above. As you’ll notice, these ads are all coordinated — that’s to ensure your ads are maximizing the impact they have prospects and actually overcome the ad blindness that so many consumers have built up. (We see millions of ads every day and our subconscious is getting really good at blocking them!)

Platte River Foot & Ankle’s postcard included:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s message
  • Their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in red
  • An offer for a free pair of Orthotics

One of the biggest contributors to this campaign’s success was their decision to hyper-target women ages 40+. Multiple studies have found one of the biggest contributing factors to foot pain is being a women and being in this age range. In addition, to make sure they could afford their services, every recipient’s household income was at least $40,000.

The consistency of their mailings was also a major success factor. They mailed once a month over 3 months, ensuring anyone with foot issues would think about their business.

The Results

10 new patients!
Digital Ad Network Ad Displays Clicks
Google 57,792 438
Facebook/Instagram 17,358 195

10 new patients!  

Platte River Foot & Ankle obtained 10 new patients from their Everywhere Small Business campaign!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other Podiatrists!

CSID: 37528