The Situation

North Oak Investment is a fix and flip lender located in Kansas City, MO. They needed a way to let prospects know about their financial services, so they reached out to PostcardMania for marketing assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard for them that included the following features:

  • A large headline that gets their message across to the prospect immediately
  • Five-star reviews on the front and back of the card to show that the prospect can trust them to do a good job
  • Three offers on the front of the card to entice the recipient to take action
  • A list of benefits that shows they are a great lender to work with

North Oak Investment ordered a total of 12,000 postcards and began mailing them in June on a monthly mailing schedule. Each mailing included about 1,000 pieces. They were sent to a provided list of contractors who recently applied for a builders permit.

Since this was an Everywhere Small Business campaign, the postcards were followed by digital ads that appeared on Facebook and Instagram. These ads matched the postcard design and helped remind their list of prospects to call them.

The Results

They generated 5 new clients and $19,000 in revenue!

The digital follow-up ads performed very well and so far have made 2,053 impressions online, resulting in 20 clicks. North Oak Investment also received 5 responses and converted all of them, bringing in $19,000 in revenue. Their initial investment was $4,708, so the return on investment comes to an impressive 304%!

Since this campaign is ongoing and they have another 7,837 postcards to mail out, they are looking forward to achieving even greater results in the future.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other lenders.

CSID: 47612