Dental Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Affinity Dental Group is a general and cosmetic dental practice located in Kissimmee, FL. When they started seeing a dip in new patients, they called PostcardMania for help.

The Solution

Our marketing experts introduced the folks at Affinity Dental to DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition, and things immediately started turning around for the practice.

Heres how theyve gotten such a great response:

  • They consistently mail 6,000 postcards per week
  • DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition also shows their banner ads to prospective patients in their service area, keeping them top of mind
  • With call tracking, they are able to listen to calls to continually improve their reception process

The Results

Doubled their practice! Now sees about 75 new patients per month!

When Affinity Dental started using DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition, their new patient numbers went through the roof!Theyve had to move into a bigger office to accommodate their growing practice!

They attribute the growth, in part, to the call-tracking abilities of DirectMail2.0. When they started listening to their calls, they learned that their reception needed improvement and were able to make the appropriate changes.

Affinity Dental now sees about 75 new patients per month (with each patients lifetime value being $3,000, thats $225,000 in revenue per month!), and plans to keep growing!

CSID: 3685