The Situation
St. Joseph Consolidated School is a private school serving Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade located in Hamilton, Ohio. They were looking for a creative way to let parents know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.
The Solution
They decided on a direct mail marketing campaign bundled with Google, Instagram and Facebook advertising in our Everywhere Small Business package. You can see those advertisements above. As you’ll notice, these ads are all coordinated — that’s to ensure your ads are maximizing the impact they have prospects and actually overcome the ad blindness that so many consumers have built up. (We see millions of ads every day and our subconscious is getting really good at blocking them!)
St. Joseph Consolidated School’s postcard included:
- A headline that invites the parents on a tour of their school
- A simplistic design so that the card’s overarching message isn’t lost
- A list of their school’s options
Because St. Joseph’s is a private school, they needed to ensure that their mailing list reflected this fact and only targeted households that would be receptive to their messaging. So, their mailing list hyper-targeted households only with the presence of children ages 4-9 years old (the ages their school serves) and with a household income of at least $50,000 to ensure that they could afford the cost.
The Results
Enrollment is at max capacity for all but one or two grade levels!
Enrollment is at max capacity for all but one or two grade levels!
St. Joseph Consolidated School’s principle reported that their campaign was extremely successful. They also said that their enrollment for the upcoming year is at full capacity for all but one or two grade levels. The cost for each student enrollment is $5,300!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other private schools!