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The postcard used an electric blue for its main color against a bright white background. They featured an image of a smiling model with straight, white teeth on the right. The color of the models eyes matched the blue of the postcards text, which was a nice aesthetic touch. The headline read, Smile! Its Free! This pointed to their great special offer: a free professional teeth whitening. Thats a very attractive offer, and it got the attention of their prospects. The combination of great aesthetic choices and great marketing strategy made this a very effective design.

Dental Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Dr. Amit Khanna purchased Patuxent Dental in a small town located about an hours drive from Washington, DC, in 2006.From his first year in business to his third, his revenue DECLINED 14%. He knew he needed to start marketing his practice, so he called PostcardMania.

The Solution

Dr. Khanna started out sending 6,000 postcards a month to residents with a yearly income of $20,000 or more in his county and nearby zip codes.

We started off doing small batches of postcards very consistently, he said. As we saw we were getting a really good return on investment (ROI), we started increasing the number of cards we sent out.

What kind of ROI was he getting?

The year Dr. Khanna started sending out 6,000 postcards per month, his revenues went up 24%.

The following year he doubled his mailings to 12,000 per month and his revenues went up ANOTHER 55%!

Heres what makes his postcards so effective:

  • A large and industry-appropriate image that tells recipients exactly what kind of service is being advertised.
  • A big, bold, attention-getting headline
  • A great offer that appeals to lots of perspective patients
  • All their contact information, on the front AND back of the card, so theyre easy to reach

In 2013, Dr. Khanna got on board with DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition to get even BETTER results with mail tracking, call tracking and geo-targeted online ads!

Heres what makes DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition so valuable to dentists:

As his target market received his postcard in their mailboxes, they simultaneously started seeing online ads that resembled his postcard all over the web potentially millions of sites (if they were browsing that much!).

Plus, the call tracking lets you listen back to all the calls coming in off of that campaign (from an easy to use online dashboard) so that you can evaluate how your staff handles those potential new patients.

The result of this integrated dental online marketing approach should be more new patients who return more and more often. Speaking of results

The Results

Were getting roughly 2,000 new patients a year

And thats IMMEDIATE revenue just from new patients!

As Dr. Khanna increased his postcard mailings, his new patient count went up, too!

  • Average new patients before postcards: 30/month
  • Average new patients sending out 6,000 postcards/month: 50/month
  • Average new patients sending out 12,000 postcards/month: 94/month
  • Average new patients adding DirectMail2.0 New Patient Edition: 170-190/month

As his revenues went up, so did his marketing budget (as it should!). Lets look at the whole picture.

Heres what Dr. Khanna spends on marketing each year:

Postcards: $70,000

Local news website: $9,600

Movie theater ads: $9,360

Television: $7,400

Facebook: $6,000

And here are his results:

New patients generated per year: 2,000

Yearly value of a new patient: $1,000

Yearly revenue: $2 million

ROI: 1,809%

Patuxent Dentals annual revenues went from $700,000 to $3.2 million in just five years. Dr. Khanna has had to triple his staff to keep up!

CSID: 3687