View details Valentine’s Day Special: Save Big This Week Only! Click for details! days hours minutes seconds left!

The postcard was designed with a purple background and used orange text, which grabbed the attention of its recipients. The headline immediately conveyed an intriguing message, “Retirement shouldn’t be a scary word.” The box in the top right corner reassured the reader they could trust InnoVest, because of their knowledge and experience helping clients prepare for the future.

The Situation

InnoVest Financial Services is a retirement planning company that helps clients with a variety of financial services including retirement planning, investment advisory, and tax planning and preparation. The business is located in St. Enfield, CT. InnoVest was looking for a marketing strategy that would offer both excellent results and also ease of use. Their PostcardMania marketing consultant had a discussion with them to fully understand the dynamics of their business and situation, and then suggested a DirectMail2.0 campaign to achieve their marketing goals.

The Solution

A DirectMail2.0 campaign consists of many distinct marketing strategies integrating together to result in a complete and complimenting marketing program. This means it creates leads, nurtures leads, and even tracks the results of the campaign so you can continually build off success. And all of this happens automatically. The main drivers of the campaign are the direct mail postcards and the automatic online follow-up. For the lead generation portion of the campaign, our designers put together a postcard design that does an excellent job of immediately conveying the message of the card: retirement help. Once prospects go to the InnoVest website, the automated follow-up portion of the campaign kicks in. Prospects that visit the website are automatically tracked and followed up with via banner ads after they leave the site. The ads we created match the design style of the postcard, even using the same images. This helps immediately orient the prospect when they see it, so they know who the ad is from and can focus on the content of the message. Orientation is key, because if a prospect cannot quickly figure out why they are seeing a particular ad, they will just ignore it.

The Results

The follow-up ads convinced 250 website visitors to return to our site!

Over 7 days, InnoVest got 250 online follow up ad clicks and 457,490 overall online ad impressions! To put that in perspective, that means that 250 people a) went to his website (most likely due to the postcard), and b) returned to the site via the online follow-up banner ads. It is unlikely these prospects would have returned to the site without the banner ads to remind them. That is the power of automatic online follow-up!

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