The Situation

The Hispanic American Institute is a charitable organization that offers wellness programs to families in Rio Rancho, NM. They needed a way to let the community know about their services, so they reached out to PostcardMania for marketing assistance.

The Solution

The 6 x 8.5 inch card PostcardMania designed for them included the following features:

  • A strong call to action on the front of the card
  • A map on the back so that recipients could find the location easily
  • Photos of the community participating in the wellness programs to increase trust
  • A description of the services being offered

The Hispanic American Institute mailed a total of 10,981 postcards to a consumer mailing list that targeted local residents who are over 55 years of age. They also launched follow-up digital ads via an Everywhere Small Business campaign.

The Google ads were displayed 718,628 times, and the Facebook/Instagram ads were displayed 117,944 times.

The Results

They filled all 55 available spots for a new wellness program!

As a result of the campaign, the Google ads were clicked on 9,706 times and the Facebook/Instagram ads were clicked on 7,081 times. The combination of direct mail and digital ads worked for the Hispanic American Institute because they filled all 55 spots for their community program!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other charities.

CSID: 51209