The Situation

Ultimate Creations Inc. is a beauty product supplier located in Los Angeles, CA. They were looking for a creative way to remind active and inactive customers about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

They decided on an Everywhere Small Business campaign to target prospects, which combined direct mail postcards with matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

Ultimate Creations Inc’s postcard design had several key features including:

  • A picture of a beautiful women with flawless skin to convey the product’s effects
  • A half-off offer on their products
  • A QR code which can be scanned by any smartphone taking the prospect to a landing page to claim their offer

Because Ultimate Creations Inc sells beauty products, they needed to target both their active and inactive customers since they were already interested in the benefits of their products. The used three separate mailing lists to target these people and inform them of the new discounted product campaign they were running.

The Results

They have made $204,199.51 in revenue!!

So far, they have made $204,199.51 in revenue!

Ultimate Creations Inc received HUNDREDS of responses! More than half of those responses converted, covering the entire cost of the campaign, plus generating $204,199.51 in revenue!! She says the best part of the whole campaign was getting tons of old “inactive” clients (as old as ten years back) to make new purchases because they received their postcard!!

CSID: 35308