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The Situation

Alameda Acupuncture is a successful acupuncture practice located in Alameda, California. They wanted to celebrate the grand opening of their education center and attract new patients to their practice. To accomplish this, they asked PostcardMania’s marketing services to help them out!

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign that targets women with an income of $100,000 and over that live in zip codes close to the practice. The card includes:

  • Professionally designed graphics and clean formatting, making the card accessible to the reader.
  • An invitation to the grand opening of the education center, enticing the reader to reciprocate the offer.
  • An exclusive offer of a free evaluation and consultation for those who attend the event, along with a chance to win two tickets to a 49ers game upon entering a raffle.
  • A five-star review from a satisfied patient, giving credibility to the quality of the practice’s services.

Mailing List: Women with an income of $100,000 and over that live in two zip codes close the practice

The Results

…the practice has gained six new patients and even reactivated some old patients as well!

Both owners of Alameda Acupuncture thought the campaign was very successful and said that they loved the design! They had 100 people show up to the grand opening of their education center. Five individuals that attended came as a result of the postcards mailed out, and others came because they saw advertisements on Facebook. Because of the event, the practice has gained six new patients and even reactivated some old patients as well! A representative of the practice said that each new patient is $2,500, and she believes that they have made about $15,000 from the first mailing so far. They have more people wanting to sign up, so there is more to come!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other physical therapy practices!

CSID: 31121