Insurance Case Study Video

The Situation

Talbert Insurance Services in Duluth, GA has been offering professional liability insurance for more than 20 years. They came to PostcardMania in to help them find new clients in 2008, after the market turned and many of their customers had to shut their doors. Over the years, they have continued regular mailings to maintain a steady flow of new clients.

The Solution

We set up a postcard campaign for the client that would capture the attention of the business owners they were trying to attract.

Heres what works on their postcard:

– A big, bold headline

– Graphics that quickly show what theyre offering

– A subheadline on the back that leads into text

– A great call to action (CTA): Dont wait

– Their contact information on both sides

When we introduced DirectMail2.0, Talbert Insurance Services got on board. With DM2.0, the client can see when their postcard is expected to hit mailboxes and exactly how many calls they get from the campaign. Plus, any time a prospect visits their website, that person sees their online ad across thousands of websites, prompting them to act! We provided a mailing list of 7,500 surveyors, architects and engineers in Georgia and Florida, and split up the list into several mailings.

The Results

After our first mailing, one of the first accounts we sold was over $150,000

Talbot Insurance Services has always gotten great results from their mailings. Now, with DirectMail2.0, we can see exactly what kind of response their postcard campaign received!

  • 200 calls
  • 94,167 impressions
  • 54 click backs to their website

Since they renew 95% of their clients for at least 5 years, Talbot Insurance Services will be earning revenue from this campaign for years to come!

CSID: 3778