The postcard design used a large image on the front of a woman who wasnt smiling. The headline immediately conveyed the emotion behind the image and explained why it was important to take their dental health test: their prospects might be part of the 75% that have a form of gum disease and dont know it! This image and headline worked together to compel prospects to visit the website and take the test.

The Situation

Dr. Randy Nolf is a dental practitioner located in Stroudsburg, which is in the Pocono region of Pennsylvania. He wanted a multi-faceted marketing solution, something that would not only generate leads, but also nurture and help close those leads to bring in new patients. His PostcardMania marketing consultant had a discussion with him to fully understand the dynamics of his practice, and then suggested a DirectMail2.0 web marketing campaign to achieve his marketing goals.

The Solution

A DirectMail2.0 campaign consists of many distinct marketing strategies integrating together to result in a complete and complimenting marketing program. The main drivers of the campaign were the direct mail postcards and the follow-up portion of DirectMail2.0. For the lead generation portion of the campaign, our designers put together a fantastic postcard that used an offer of a FREE online dental health test to drive traffic to the website and attract calls from potential new patients.

Once prospects went to Dr. Nolfs website, the online follow-up portion of the campaign kicked in. Prospective patients that visited his website were automatically tracked and followed up with via banner ads after they left the site, if they didnt schedule an appointment. The ads we created matched the design style of the postcard, and even used the same images. This helped immediately orient the prospect when they saw it, so they knew who the ad was from and could focus on the content of the message.

The Results

136 calls and 160 website visitors generated from the postcards!

Dr. Nolf was blown away by the incredible results to his campaign. He mailed 24,000 cards. From those cards he generated 136 calls, and 160 website visits. Overall his online ads were seen 55,595 times, causing 46 prospective patients to return to his website. It is unlikely these potential new patients would have returned to the site without the banner ads to remind them. That is the power of automatic online follow-up!

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