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Medical Services Case Studies

View tried-and-true medical services marketing solutions with these real case studies from business owners just like you! See mailing lists, designs, frequency of mailings, including the exact medical services postcards used! Plus, each case study features easy-to-replicate medical services marketing tactics you can use for sales all year long!

Video Case Studies

They gained 40 new patients and generated over $250,000 in revenue!
Small business owners keep their postcard mailings consistent, because that's how they keep the leads coming in.
All small businesses need to use repetition with their postcard marketing to get consistent results.

Other Case Studies

Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
They generated 3 responses, converted all of them, and generated $3,000 in revenue!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
150 people responded and they converted all of them, totaling $22,500 in profit!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
They generated $379,200 in revenue from their weekly postcard mailings!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
100 calls and $20,000 in revenue!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
PostcardMania is their only source of advertising. In 2019, they made $52,000 after mailing postcards. Halfway through 2020, they brought in $30,000!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
…so far, they added 261 new subscribers and generated $3,500 in revenue for the company!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
Over 95K in income and an ROI of 733%!
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
Their detailed brochure combined with DirectMail2.0 brought in 131 phone calls, while their online ad was seen over 54,000 times.
Successful Medical Services Postcard Campaign
Over $40,000 in revenue from one mailing!
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