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The design of the card was very simple, but impossible to miss. It was designed to grab your attention with its orange color scheme. The only marketing copy on the front of the card is the name of the company and a headline that reads, “Total body imaging at its finest.” That’s enough to intrigue the targeted audience that received these cards.

Medical Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Wayne Pearson is the owner of Don Allen Studios, a medical photographing company that specializes in pre and post op plastic surgery studies. He was looking for a way to keep his company’s name in front of clients and potential clients.

The Solution

Wayne runs two different campaigns: one goes to dermatologists and one goes to plastic surgeons. Since he has a salesman following up on these prospects, the most important aspect of the campaign is to get noticed and put his message in the prospect’s mind.

The Results

All small businesses need to use repetition with their postcard marketing to get consistent results.
CSID: 3805