The Situation

Minnesota Medical Association Repair is a non-profit professional association that represents physicians, residents, and medical students. This medical service wanted to increase subscribers to their healthcare courses, so they reached out to PostcardMania for assistance in getting the word out to doctors in Minnesota.

The Solution

Design: The postcard includes:

  • Sleek copy, design, and color scheme to grab the recipient’s attention.
  • A quick description of the course including information about acquiring credits to advance the recipient’s professional medical career.
  • A clear call to action with instructions on how the recipient can register for the healthcare course.

They mailed 5,000 postcards to physicians in Minnesota.

The Results

…so far, they added 261 new subscribers and generated $3,500 in revenue for the company!

Minnesota Medical Association had a great response to their postcard marketing campaign! After mailing 5,000 postcards, they added 3-4 new subscribers each day, totaling 261 new subscribers to their healthcare courses! This made them about $3,500 in revenue! At $13.95 per course, this medical service saw a 150% return on investment!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other medical and healthcare services!

CSID: 31853