The Situation

American Veterans Group provides high-quality home care, such as housekeeping, pet care, and medical assistance, to veterans in Long Beach, CA. They wanted more veterans to know about their services, so they reached out to PostcardMania for marketing help.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6” x 8.5” postcard that included the following features:

  • An attention-grabbing message that thanks the veteran for his/her service in the military
  • A list of included benefits at no cost to the veteran if he/she qualifies
  • A traditional and sophisticated design with patriotic colors — red, white, and blue — so the recipient immediately knows the message is for them

American Veterans Group decided on a weekly mailing schedule, sending out the postcards in quantities of 1,750 pieces.

Their two most successful campaigns combined totaled 60,000 postcards and were mailed out to seniors in the local area. Both of the mailing lists they used were consumer so that they could access more targeting options in their campaign, like mailing to men and women who are over 75 years old and make $30,000 a year or less.

The Results

They generated $379,200 in revenue from their weekly postcard mailings!

After staying consistent with their weekly postcard mailings for about 2 years, American Veterans Group has achieved major success and generated more than 270 responses and at least $379,200 in revenue.

American Veterans Group spent $14,762.91 on their first successful direct mail campaign and received an ROI of 1,363%.Then their second direct mail marketing campaign achieved similar results and achieved an ROI of 976%. Together, that’s an ROI of 1,167%!

American Veterans Group has continued their weekly mailings and is excited to see how many more clients they will receive in the future from all these efforts.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other medical and home care providers

CSID: 44174