This company used a simple and very visual postcard design. They used a full-sized image on the front of the card of what appears to be two leopard or cheetah cubs. Pretty adorable. The headline read, “Ever wonder what your patients see…when they leave your office?” This design is very “un-salesy” (not a real word). It did effectively intrigue those who saw it in their mailboxes, so they turned the card over to read the rest and were more open to what it had to say.

Medical Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Passport Health of New York is the largest provider of travel medical services offering travel and wellness vaccines, specialty travel products and international health education with 3 locations in Long Island and Manhattan.

The Solution

Postcard Design: Printed 6,000 6×8 postcards promoting travel health medicine and vaccines. A Clear, Bold Message Images that Get Attention & Supports Travel Medicine Clear Call to Action Mailing List: For this campaign, they targeted physicians to refer their patients. Mailing Schedule: They mailed approximately 1,900 postcards every 2 weeks.

The Results

Small business owners keep their postcard mailings consistent, because that's how they keep the leads coming in.

“We mail postcards every 2 weeks and get quite a bit of leads from physicians, corporations and individuals around two weeks after our mailing hits. We’ve noticed that when we have a gap in our marketing, our clients drop off. So, we’ve learned to have a consistent marketing plan to ensure there is awareness all year long.” – Dr. Alex Lupenko, MD.,C.M.M. CEO Passport Health Long Island & Corporate Medical Director, Passport Health USA

CSID: 3804