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Auto Repair Marketing Case Studies

View real auto repair marketing campaigns and see successful auto repair postcard templates! See the actual auto repair postcard designs, mailing lists, auto repair marketing plans, and RESULTS to create your auto repair marketing campaign based on proven-to-work auto repair marketing ideas.

Video Case Studies

They spent $9,328.18 with postage included, and so far, they have made roughly $118,897.40. That’s a 1,175% ROI!"
50-60 Customers Brought in the Postcard Every Week!

Other Case Studies

Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
They generated $9,000 in revenue!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
Their postcard campaign generated 10 new customers!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
Their campaign generated 45 sales conversions!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
They spent $3,717.80 with postage included, and so far, they have made around $10,000. That’s a 169% ROI!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
landed 4 new jobs that resulted in a 121% ROI!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
We generated 7 new clients and $2,200 in revenue from our postcard mailings!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
We generated 80 new customers and $28,000 in revenue from our postcards!
Successful Automotive Repair Postcard Campaign
40 leads generated resulting in $8000 in sales!
Call or Text a Marketing Consultant 1-800-628-1804