The Situation

Import Specialty Auto is an imported vehicle specialized automotive repair shop located in Colorado Springs, CO. With a desire to increase their clientele and boost revenue, they reached out to PostcardMania’s marketing services to help them achieve their goals.

The Solution

Working side-by-side with our marketing experts, they decided on PostcardMania’s Everywhere Small Business product to target car owners, which combines direct mail postcards with matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

The successful postcard design includes:

  • Professionally designed graphics and pictures of beautiful Subaru cars cutting through white snow, making the card attractive to the eye and accessible to the reader.
  • Copy focused on establishing Import Specialty Auto’s credibility as the premier imported car repair shop in the area
  • Multiple discounted offers on common automotive services, providing the recipient with more incentive to respond to the card

The Results

made over $30,000!

Since the campaign started about a year ago, they’ve received over 100 responses! They didn’t track how many actually converted into customers, however he says he’s made over $30,000!

Are you interested in doing a similar bulk mail campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other automotive repair shops!

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