Dental Lab Case Studies
View dental lab postcards and get dental lab marketing tips from these case studies from real small business owners! See mailing lists, designs, frequency of mailings, and all details for proven-to-work dental laboratory marketing plans. Plus, each case study comes with easy-to-replicate tactics you can use for your dental lab advertising at VERY affordable pricing!
Video Case Studies
I wanted to approach dental practices to get more clients for my dental lab.
Other Case Studies
They have generated $306,000 in revenue and hired 1 new employee!
The postcards brought in 86 customers, 97 orders, and generated $44,955 in revenue!
They spent $2,833.78 with postage included, and so far, they have made $15,000 for a 429% ROI!
We've generated $50,000-$60,000 with our monthly postcard mailings!
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