The Situation

Seretti Dental Laboratory is a dental lab located in Austin, Texas. They set out with the goal to get their top-notch dental products in as many dental offices as possible to drive revenue, so they contacted PostcardMania’s marketing experts to help them do it.

Austin is the capital of Texas and has the fourth-highest population in the Lone Star State. The booming metropolitan area is an ideal location for a dental lab to find dentists serving the many communities there.

The Solution

Our design team has a trove of successful dental lab campaigns from which they can draw inspiration. Those designs largely emphasize photos of their products or equipment, a money-saving offer and a cool but bold color palette. This design plays to those key elements.

Seretti Dental Laboratory‘s postcard design includes several key features, such as:

  • A headline that immediately communicates their product’s primary benefit to any dental office.
  • A “Made In USA” stamp to appeal to any patriot that will receive this card.
  • A five-star review from a satisfied dentist, giving credibility to the lab’s products and services.
  • Marketing copy that focuses on more benefits and continues to establish credibility.

Since Seretti Dental Laboratory was located in the bustling city of Austin, our marketing experts realized that they had many dental offices to potentially target. So the targeted mailing lists only sent postcards to the more qualified dental offices, with specifications like 100% of them have a phone, at least one professional per office, a top contact where available, and was to include any branches or franchises.

If you’re a B2B business located in a more densely populated region (like a state capital) it would likely benefit your campaign to be pickier about the businesses you target to make sure each prospect that receives your mailing is qualified.

The Results

They spent $2,833.78 with postage included, and so far, they have made $15,000 for a 429% ROI!

So far, they have made $15,000!

Seretti Dental Laboratory has received 9-12 responses per mailing! They spent $2,833.78 with postage included, and so far, they have made $15,000 for a 429% ROI! This number doesn’t even include the referrals their amazing products and customer service will generate!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental labs!

CSID: 34796