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The Situation

Rite Smile Dental Laboratory is a full service dental lab located in St. Maspeth, New York. They’re on a mission to grow the size of their lab and reached out to PostcardMania for ideas on how to target dental businesses.

The Solution

Working together, PostcardMania’s marketing consultants decided on a direct mail campaign that case a wide net. They decided to feature their products next to prices on the front to immediately grab the recipient’s attention.

Rite Smile Dental Laboratory‘s postcard design is effective for a few reasons:

  • An excellent money-saving offer for their first case for free
  • Multiple options to claim their first case – a QR code or a coupon
  • A bulleted list of what their online service offers — a huge benefit for dentists

Since Rite Smile Dental Laboratory serves a wide variety of dental practices, we decided to target as many as possible. Their mailing lists included these types of practices: general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, periodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, dental spas, and dental surgeons located specifically in NY, CT, and NJ.

They dispersed these cards over several nearby states to offices that have phones, there’s at least one professional per office and a contact available. This helped in improving their chances of a response by only hitting qualified businesses instead of everything that they could close by.

The Results

27 new clients with an immediate $27,000 generated!

27 new clients with an immediate $27,000 generated!

So far, Rite Smile Dental Laboratory received a total of 27 new clients from their mailings so far — and they still have more than 8,000 cards (about a third of their entire campaign) left to mail !

Although they don’t have an exact number, they estimate that each new client spends approximately $1,000 a month on their products.

So, immediate revenue from those clients is $27,000! In a year, he will have received approximately $324,000!! They still has a few more mailings to go and their current Return on their Investment (ROI) is already at 262%!!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental labs!

CSID: 36469