The Situation

Exacta Dental Direct sells dental products to dentists in Michigan. They needed to increase their sales numbers, so they came to PostcardMania for marketing assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a postcard with the following features:

  • Pictures of their products to show what the business has to offer
  • A competitive offer of 25% off their next order, with an expiration date, encouraging them to act quickly
  • A five-star review on the back of the card that shows the company’s service is professional and reliable

Exacta Dental Direct provided their own list that consisted of customers who had not placed an order with them in the past 12 months. We mailed 5,000 6” x 8.5” postcards to dental practices in Michigan over the course of 3 months to help re-engage theses past customers. If they purchased in the past, they would be likely to order again — especially if there was a coupon on the mailer!

The Results

The postcards brought in 86 customers, 97 orders, and generated $44,955 in revenue!

The postcards brought in 86 customers, 97 orders, and generated $44,955 in revenue! Taking into account they spent $2,706 on this direct mail marketing campaign, the ROI amounts to 1,561%!

This mailing was so successful that Exacta Dental Direct decided to do another one, but increase the postcards to 12,000. They are looking forward to seeing how much more of an impact their future mailings will have on their business.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental service companies.

CSID: 43660