Hollander Dental’s postcard design shows a construction site working on a tooth-shaped building, and the headline reads, “Helping You Build Beautiful Smiles.” They also feature their special offer dead-center on the card in red letters, which helps them grab their prospective clients’ attention and get them interested in what they have to say.

Dental Lab Case Study Video

The Situation

Mike Hollander needed a way to raise awareness about his business in the dental community. He was looking to get more dentists to purchase products from his dental lab. We developed a postcard to do just that.

The Solution

In Mike’s case, he needed relatively few responses in order to make his campaign worthwhile, so the campaign was designed to specifically target the dentists most likely to buy from him. His design featured: – An intriguing image – A captivating headline – A reassuring guarantee In order to maximize return, the campaign was designed to run for five months, hitting 1,000 high value dentists once per month.

The Results

I wanted to approach dental practices to get more clients for my dental lab.

Immediately, Mike’s postcard campaign was able to generate the revenue he needed to give him a positive Return On Investment (ROI). As he continues mailing, name recognition of his business will expand with dentists in his area dentists and his response rate will continue to increase.

CSID: 3662