Moving & Storage Case Studies

View tried-and-true moving marketing campaigns including real moving postcards! See actual mailing lists, moving postcards designs, frequency of mailings, and all the details of effective storage advertisements! Plus, each case study features easy-to-replicate storage advertising tactics you can use for new customers all year long!

Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
They generated $60,000 in revenue!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
They generated $114,000 in revenue!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
They generated roughly $22,500!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
…Roadrunner Moving has received 10 calls and has converted 3 of them into bookings, resulting in $25,000!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
4,445% ROI by mailing to current and past clients as well as warm leads!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
Over 800 phone calls and $240k in revenue!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
28 responses after only completing 20% of their campaign!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
6-7 new customers per mailing, worth an average of $800 each!
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
...4-5 new jobs per week worth an average of $1,000 each
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
Those leads generated an average of $800 each week in new jobs
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
Monster Movers generates about $6,000 per month in new jobs from their mailings
Successful Moving/Storage Postcard Campaign
Pine Ridge was able to fill 20 of their units. At $45/month, with an average stay of 6 months, thats $5,400
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