Optometry Case Studies

View real optometry marketing campaigns including tried-and-true optometry postcards! See actual mailing lists, optometry postcards designs, frequency of mailings, and all the details of real optometry marketing plans! Plus, each case study features easy-to-replicate optometry advertising strategies which you can implement for your practice!

Video Case Studies

When you're looking to fill a local event, connecting with your local prospects with postcards is your best marketing option.

Other Case Studies

Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
10 responses and all converted into patients!
Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
Dr. Tarr estimates that the campaign has brought in $12,500 thus far!
Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
143 responses and $25,000 in revenue!
Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
Our mailings generated about $24,000
Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
We generated 125 responses and $28,000 from our postcard mailings!
Successful Optometry Postcard Campaign
We generated $120,000 in revenue from our postcard mailings!
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