Dance Marketing Case Studies

View beautiful dance postcards and gymnastics marketing plans from real small business owners just like you! See mailing lists and proven-to-work dance advertisement ideas with these real case studies. Plus, each one has easy-to-copy tactics you can use for your dance studio marketing plan without breaking the bank!

Their campaign generated 75 new students worth $33,750 in revenue!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
28 unique phone calls and over 1,700 clicks through to their website!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
We had about 10-15 responses from our last mailing, with three converting over to new students.
We found that postcards have been really fantastic for us, because we can target exactly who we want to send the message to.
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
Legacy has gotten 100 students from the mailing, resulting in $8,000 in their first month alone!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
They earned a total of $3,450 off of this one campaign alone.
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
We received 14 responses and generated $1,200-$1,400 in revenue from our postcards!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
We brought in 10 new students and $4,500 in revenue from our postcards!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
30 new students from just one postcard mailing!
Successful Dance/Gymnastics Postcard Campaign
We generated $500 per month for 9 months from our postcard campaign!
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